Elimination quizzes

Note: QuizSlides was discontinued on September 1st, 2023. Our demo quizzes no longer work.

"Elimination" quizzes are a generalisation of traditional multiple-choice tests in which users are required to select as many of the wrong answers as they can. Users are penalised whenever they select a right answer.

We have implemented 5-choice elimination quizzes. The marking scheme is as follows:

  • each wrong answer selected => 1 mark
  • each right answer selected => 4 marks deducted

This functionality was developed in collaboration with Swansea University.

This type of quiz is designed to discourage guesswork while rewarding users who can successfully identify some wrong answers when they cannot identify the right answer. The resulting quiz scores are therefore potentially a more reliable indicator of attainment as compared with traditional quizzes.

Here is our demo elimination quiz.

For further information about this type of quiz see: Bond, A.E., Bodger, O., Skibinski, D.O., Jones, D.H., Restall, C.J., Dudley, E. and van Keulen, G., 2013. Negatively-marked MCQ assessments that reward partial knowledge do not introduce gender bias yet increase student performance and satisfaction and reduce anxiety. PloS one, 8(2), p.e55956.


See How to create a Traditional quiz… for guidance regarding the quiz creation process.